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Solving Real-World Problems Through University & Industry Collaboration

Why DeepTech IP

DeepTech IP is a digital platform that accelerates the commercialisation of cutting-edge university discoveries. We spur and drive innovation to create revolutionary products and services that have the potential to significantly impact the world.
Deep tech refers to the use of advanced science-backed techologies, such as Life Science, Biotech, AI, and Advance Engineering, to solve complex and challenging problems in various industries.
Clean Energy
Advance Materials
Food & Agritech
Circular Economy
Future Mining

How we work

Using our collaboration platform, researchers and companies can easily communicate and project manage their engagement.


Our AI platform will match the right researcher to the specified problem for an optimal predicted outcome.


Streamline the negotiation process so as to eliminate paper work and speed up the legalities.


Collaboration is made easy on our agile digital project management platform with real-time risk controls.


Increase the likehood to market through our industry panel advisors and early stage investors

For Investors

DeepTech IP bridges the gap between universities and industry. The technology ready scale (TR1 - TR9) below highlights where DeepTech IP focus is (between TR4 - TR7) and four key reasons why you should invest.

Angel Opportunities

While VC expect 10x return, early stage investment between TR4 to TR5 stage, can bring 100x. 

Market Intelligence

We qualify and select projects that have a high likehood of success through a review panel of industry experts.


Our digital platform is a one stop shop where all the activities; pass, present and future plans, are accessible 24/7.

Global Impact

The economic and social impact will be global as deeptech could potentially solve the worlds most complex problems.

About Us

The DeepTech IP team encompasses former university commercialization managers and an internal panel of industry advisors. DeepTech IP was founded by Tom Park was a former Senior Business Partner at the University of New South Wales. He has over 25 years experience in product development and business growth, having worked in both private and goverment sector. If you industry or university experiecne and are interested to to discuss about joining us, please click.

Office : 4/27 Rose Cres Regents Park, NSW 2143

Australia : +61 414 456 796

Singapore: +65 9090 9214

USA : +1 408 767 6864


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